8:40 a.m. One hour seated silent noting. Sleepiness, sadness, pleasure, tension, pressure, hearing, thinking, rocking, swaying. Seems lately I've had way less fear and also less sadness than maybe 4-6 weeks ago. Also, pleasure is new.
11 am Twelve minutes silent seated noting with Julie. A lot of rocking, pulsing, releasing, sadness. I think I didn't put words to a lot of it. Like there was a lot of something that could be called tingling but felt slightly anguished and was complex. I'd felt it plenty of times before. A couple minutes before the bell, brought myself gradually back to the external world, because in recent weeks when meditating with Julie or my meditation group at work I have found it painful to suddenly emerge and reconnect with the dukkha of the external world, especially the dukkha of social contact.
5pm 20 minutes metta on the bus.
11-11:45 pm Anger upon Eric arriving home just at the moment I was about to go to bed.
11:45-midnight Couldn't sleep due to anger, so sat in bed and noted. Eventually, sleepiness arose.
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