Just returned from a 10 day orienteering camping trip in Wyoming. Didn't log my meditation, but here is what I remember, briefly:
August 25, late night: meditated as I waited for Eric to get ready for our trip. I was furious. I sat in the living room and occasionally blurted out to him things such as, "I'm never traveling with you again," and, "When you said that you needed to print a form, you didn't say that it was going to take you 30 minutes to first fill it out," in a venomous voice. My attention was precise and it felt like I was back in the 4th nana, the knowledge of arising and passing away.
August 26: I awoke around 7am and meditated joyfully for 3.5 hours. After maybe an hour it felt again like I was in the A&P. I thought, what a delightful vacation I will now have, now that I am in the A&P! I am assuming that I was in first path A&P from about mid-November through January. That time was characterized by mild euphoria, feelings of "being special", desire to get others to meditate, meditating spontaneously in the middle of the night, sometimes for hours, crisp attention during meditation, enjoyment of meditation, and many insights, sometimes one every few seconds. If it is correct that I attained stream entry in July, then it's possible I'm in second path A&P now. The morning of August 26 I had many, but not all, of the things on that list.
Remainder of the week: I meditated sporadically, usually much less than 1.5 hours per day. Did not feel like I was in A&P. At least one session was very painful. The entire week was mostly unpleasant. After around noon every day, and especially the first three days, I felt headachey, dehydrated, lethargic, and uninterested in anything. Every day I disliked camping, as usual. The first two days, I didn't enjoy the orienteering, either. I also didn't feel like socializing with other orienteers. I did enjoy orienteering on days 3, 5, and 6. I also mildly enjoyed going to the pool and/or into town nearly every day with Z.
Yesterday afternoon, E said something to me that made me feel criticized. I started to "feel bad", but then I nearly immediately shifted my attention to memories of Mom being mad at me. After a few minutes, my mind wandered elsewhere and there was no lingering "feeling bad". Remarkable.
Yesterday evening, 09/03/12: Upon arriving home, felt depressed, very sad and gloomy. Talked over some of the events of the weekend with Eric. We gained understanding, but it also brought up a lot of bad feelings. Tried to again shift my attention to early trauma, for relief, but the gloom was too great and I just got gloomier. Felt no relief before falling asleep.
Today, 09/04/12: Awoke around 1am into meditation. Perhaps it's appropriate to say that I awakened into the A&P. Lay in bed meditating for a while. Maybe I drifted off to sleep after an hour or so. Awoke again around 6am and sat for about 20 minutes. Again felt I was in A&P. And again, while on the bus to work. (Side note: I rarely see others meditate on the bus, but today it seemed the man next to me was meditating. He seemed about 35-40 years old and was wearing dress slacks and a white shirt.) I feel euphoric and open to pleasure, and at the same time I am anxious about work and relationships.
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