Saturday, February 16, 2019

Investigating the illusion of self: Step Two

Stripping Away Expectations

What do you expect liberation is going to be like?
At first, it's going to be cool and nifty to see something I'd never seen before. I always love new insights into reality! After the initial coolness, life is going to be pretty much the same as before, but I will be able to move forward along the path toward greater liberation. That path may be rocky but in the end it will grant so much relief from suffering!

What do you want from it?
I want freedom from suffering, for sure. I also want to see the truth, but am a bit ambivalent about that. I don't want the truth if it means an overall increase in suffering. Finally, I want more intimacy with life.

How do you imagine an awakened human behaves?
The same as any other human, except less prone to anger and violence.

What will liberation feel like?
At least at first, there will be some new ease and relief. After that, it will be mostly as before, except with a new perspective..

What do you expect to be different from now?
There is a fair chance, I think, that my anxiety about making good choices will lessen. I hope that there will be less identification with the thought world. I will see that self is as much an illusion as Santa Claus.

What will liberation give you, and what do you hope for?
I hope for this initial liberation to be the first step along a path to complete liberation and freedom from suffering.

What do you not want it to be like?
I don't want it to lead to increased and protracted suffering.

What is it that wants things to be different?

Next day, found more expectations:
Liberation will reduce hesitation and doubt
Liberation will make life more juicy and interesting

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